While you are out holiday shopping please remember the less fortunate. Pick up a toy or book to donate. These are a short list of my favorite charities.
- Salvation Army - They are the easiest way to donate. Pull out some change and drop it in the bucket at a participating location. You can also take non-perishable food items, gently worn clothes to drop off or host a family for the holidays. www.uss.salvationarmy.org
- Toys for Tots - Donate toys or cash via several locations in Waco and surounding communities. These are then given to children based on family needs (via Salvation Army). www.toysfortotswaco.org
- Let's Say Thanks - Easy and inexpensive way to brighten the Holidays. Visit www.letssaythanks.com pick a card and greeting for free. It will be mailed to a military person stationed overseas during the holidays.